Discovering the Spiritual Gifts: Treasures from the Holy Spirit in 1 Corinthians 12

Recommended Reading: 4.7 Stars on 2000+ Ratings on Amazon Imagine a vibrant tapestry woven with an array of colors and threads, each unique and contributing to the overall beauty. The Apostle Paul, in his letter to the Corinthians (1 Corinthians 12), uses a similar image to describe the church – a magnificent community where every…

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Contrasting Attitudes: Pharisee and Tax Collector – Lessons in Humility and Repentance

Recommended Reading: 4.7 Stars on 2000+ Ratings on Amazon Introduction The parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector, shared by Jesus in the Gospel of Luke, presents contrasting attitudes towards righteousness, humility, and repentance. This article delves into the profound lessons gleaned from the attitudes of these two characters, emphasizing the transformative power of…

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Contrasting Healing Stories: Blind Bartimaeus and the Woman with the Issue of Blood

Recommended Reading: 4.7 Stars on 2000+ Ratings on Amazon The accounts of Blind Bartimaeus and the Woman with the Issue of Blood, as recorded in the Gospels, offer contrasting yet deeply profound stories of healing, faith, and encounter with Jesus Christ. This article explores the unique narratives of these two individuals, highlighting the diverse aspects…

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