What Can We Learn from Jesus Calming the Storm in Matthew 8:23-27?

The story of Jesus calming the storm in Matthew 8:23-27 is one of the most well-known miracles in the Gospels. It demonstrates not only the power of Jesus over nature but also reveals important lessons about faith, fear, and trust in God’s authority. Here’s the passage:

“Then he got into the boat and his disciples followed him. Suddenly a furious storm came up on the lake, so that the waves swept over the boat. But Jesus was sleeping. The disciples went and woke him, saying, ‘Lord, save us! We’re going to drown!’ He replied, ‘You of little faith, why are you so afraid?’ Then he got up and rebuked the winds and the waves, and it was completely calm. The men were amazed and asked, ‘What kind of man is this? Even the winds and the waves obey him!'” (Matthew 8:23-27, NIV)

1. Jesus’ Humanity and Divinity

This passage captures both the humanity and divinity of Jesus. On the one hand, we see His humanity in the fact that He is asleep in the boat, exhausted from a long day of teaching and ministry. Like any other person, Jesus needed rest. On the other hand, His divinity is revealed when He calms the storm with a simple command, showing His authority over nature. This duality reminds us that Jesus is fully human and fully God, able to empathize with our struggles while also having the power to intervene supernaturally.

2. The Reality of Storms in Life

The disciples were following Jesus, yet they still encountered a storm. This is a key takeaway for believers: following Jesus does not exempt us from facing difficulties, trials, or “storms” in life. In fact, storms can often arise unexpectedly, just like in the story, where the furious storm came suddenly upon the disciples as they were crossing the lake. Being a Christian doesn’t mean a life free of trouble, but it does mean we have a Savior who is with us in those troubles.

3. Fear vs. Faith

One of the main points Jesus addresses in this passage is the tension between fear and faith. When the storm hit, the disciples were overwhelmed with fear, despite being in the presence of Jesus. They cried out in desperation, “Lord, save us! We’re going to drown!” Jesus’ response, “You of little faith, why are you so afraid?” highlights the contrast between their fear and the faith they should have had in Him.

Fear often distorts our perception of reality, causing us to focus on the problem rather than the One who can solve it. The disciples saw the waves and felt the wind, but they forgot who was in the boat with them. Their fear outweighed their faith, even though they had already witnessed Jesus perform miracles.

4. Jesus’ Power Over Creation

When Jesus rebuked the storm, it immediately calmed, demonstrating His authority over nature. This is significant because in ancient Jewish thought, the sea represented chaos and danger, something only God could control. By calming the storm, Jesus not only rescued the disciples but also revealed His divine power over the elements, affirming His identity as the Son of God.

This miracle reassures us that no matter how chaotic or overwhelming our circumstances may seem, Jesus has the power to bring peace and calm. He is sovereign over everything, including the natural world, and His authority extends to every area of our lives.

5. “What Kind of Man is This?”

The disciples’ reaction at the end of the story—“What kind of man is this? Even the winds and the waves obey him!”—shows their growing realization of who Jesus truly is. Although they had seen His miracles and heard His teachings, they were still in awe of His power over nature. This moment deepened their understanding of Jesus’ divine identity and His unique relationship with God.

For us today, this question invites reflection on who Jesus is in our own lives. Do we recognize His power and authority? Do we trust Him in the storms of life? Like the disciples, we are called to grow in our understanding of Christ and place our faith in His ability to save, both in physical and spiritual challenges.

6. Trusting Jesus in Life’s Storms

At the heart of this passage is the message of trust. The disciples’ reaction to the storm mirrors our own responses when we face sudden crises or difficult circumstances. Like them, we may panic, become fearful, and question whether God is truly in control. But Jesus’ words remind us that faith, not fear, should guide our response.

Trusting Jesus doesn’t mean that storms won’t happen, but it does mean that we can rely on Him to calm the chaos around us or give us the strength to endure it. His presence is our assurance, and His power is our protection. In life’s most difficult moments, we can have confidence that He is with us, guiding us safely through whatever storms we may face.


Matthew 8:23-27 is a powerful reminder of Jesus’ authority and our need for faith in Him. The disciples’ experience teaches us that storms are inevitable, but fear doesn’t have to control us when we know who Jesus is. His power over the winds and waves reminds us that He is Lord over all, including the struggles we face. By placing our trust in Him, we can find peace in the midst of life’s storms, knowing that He is with us and has the power to calm even the fiercest challenges.